Welcome to PSR-2 Code Generator
psr2-code-generator is a library to generate PHP code programmatically, via a nice fluent api. It's a light version of the awesome php-code-generator refactored to generate PSR-1 and PSR-2 code.
Here are the main differences from the original library:
- PHP 7.2+
- full strict type
- no reverse engeneering (model generation from an existent file)
- no reflection (model generation from an instance of a class)
- PHP 7.4 typed properties (optional)
The generated code adheres to the following rules:
- PSR-1 and PSR-2
- always strict type
- return types
- parameters types
- always PhpDoc comments
The library uses Composer as dependency manager. To install it run the following:
composer require susina/psr2-code-generator
Next Step
Start reading the User Guide
If you find an issue or need some help, please open a ticket on Github repository.
psr2-code-generator is released under the Apache2 license. A full copy of the license is shipped with the code into the file LICENSE.